Bring Your Drawings To Life
With DigiCel FlipBook

FlipBook combines the speed & convenience of computers with
traditional animation methods to help you create animation like Disney & Warner Bros.

The Top Animation Studios
Use FlipBook

Animators used DigiCel FlipBook to make The Wild Thornberry's
Animators used DigiCel FlipBook to make Rug Rats Go Wild
Looney Tunes Back In Action was made with FlipBook
Curious George was made with the help of FlipBook
Enchanted was made with FlipBook
 The Princess and The Frog was made with FlipBook
Curious George was made with FlipBook
 Teacher's Pet was made with FlipBook

The Top Animation Schools
Use FlipBook

Cal Arts uses FlipBook to teach animation
Sheridan uses FlipBook to teach animation
iAnimate uses FlipBook to teach animation
SCAD uses FlipBook to teach animation

The Top Professional Animators
Use FlipBook

Maybe You Should
Use FlipBook Too

Still Not Convinced?

  • FlipBook is the most traditional animation app.
  • FlipBook has a more natural look and feel to the drawing.
  • FlipBook automatically stores the ink on top of the paint to make your scenes look better.
  • FlipBook has painting features that no other app has to make your painting faster and easier.
  • And above all it is the only app that lets you fix your timing while the scene is playing. Every other app makes you stop playback, find the frame to change, open a dialog, make the change and then play it again to see how it looks. FlipBook lets you do it all while the scenes is continues to play.  That means you can see the changes immediately. It saves you time and effort. So you can get better results with less effort.  This feature alone should be all the reason you need to choose FlipBook. Even if you only use it to learn or fix your timing.